Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

1. Jane isn't my actual middle name
2. My favourite place to eat is Red Robins
3. I have too many awkward moments
4. My favourite colours are blue, purple and pink
5. Im really into surprises
6. My favourite place to be is the beach (preferably Cali or Dubai)
7. I never get tired of shopping
8. My favourite seasons are summer and winter 
9. I love John Mayer
10. Im obsessed with nail polish



  1. Oh my gosh, I was going to write #2, and I like your #6 & #10. Did you like how formal I wrote this? I used proper grammar, punctuation, and spelled out 'omg'.
    P.S: Nice picture! I love how it's backwards too.

  2. Oh and I know it's probably a reflection in the mirror so please don't comment on that part!
